
 Parents, Guardians, and Students: 

Please read, and sign the contract below regarding the technology expectations. Please print, sign, and return to class as soon as possible. Technology will not be issued to students until this form has been returned. 

Acceptable Technology Use Policy Agreement

Each student and his/her guardian is required to sign the technology agreement in order to be issued a school IPad, and granted access to the internet.

As a Dothan City Schools student by signing below you understand and agree to the terms and conditions written below.

  • The school system has the right to restrict any material that is deemed inappropriate by system faculty and/or staff.
  • All school issued technology must be used for educational purposes only.
  • Anything that is done on school issued technology is not private, and/or system network can be monitored by system faculty and staff.
  • I will abide by all rules and regulations as stated by Dothan City Schools, and understand that rules may change and be updated as deemed necessary by the school system.
  • I will address all technology concerns, in writing to my teacher or administrator.
  • I will not use any personal technology device on school campus, unless instructed to do so by school personnel.
  • I will not portray myself as any other person.
  • I will not modify and/or delete the content of downloaded apps and/or software.
  • I will assume responsibility for all damage  and/or lost or stolen occurrences that incur to school issued technology while in my possession.
    • 1st Offense- Warning
    • 2nd Offense- $50.00
    • 3rd Offense $100 and loss of technology privilege,
    • If technology is lost and/or stolen a police report will be filed,  an investigation will take place, and charges will be filed.

Student Signature: _________________________________ Date:______________________


As a parent and/or guardian of a Dothan City Schools Student, by signing below, I am aware of the technologies policies and what is required from my child.

  •  I understand that school issued technology is privilege, and if abused may be taken away.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to monitor what my child is accessing on the internet and/or device.
  • I understand, that while the school system attempts to restrict access to all inappropriate content, this is an impossible task. Therefore, I will not hold the school system responsible for what my child accesses on the internet and/or device.
  • I will assume responsibility for fees and charges that my child may incur as from buying items, and/or damages to the technology devices.
  • I agree to allow my child to be issued a school technology device, and assume all responsibility if the device becomes lost, stolen, and/or damaged.
  • I have understand, and have reviewed the expectations with my student.

Parent Signature:_____________________________                               Date:____________________


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